Monday, August 18, 2008


Sometimes my husband just amazes me........

We are sitting at the house this weekend and nothing was really happening. Jason was surfing any Alabama Football website ever invented and I was nesting for the gazillionth time......Dusting, vacuuming, mopping the floors, packing diaper bags, etc. All of those things that I have done preparing for the birth that seems like is never going to take place.

Anyway.........I decided to take a break and have some ice water and watch Lifetime Movies for a bit. All of a sudden, Jason has a burst of energy and announces he is going to paint my bathroom.


I was shocked. For those of you that don't know, I have been wanting my bathroom painted for a while now. We have painted many rooms since we moved into our home in March and Jason is an excellent painter. We have had so much going on I just thought I was going to have to wait until all other home improvements were done. Well, I got a great suprise!
He got out the Charcoal Grey paint mixed by the one and only David Goggins (my daddy) and began painting away. In no time it was finished! B-E-A-U-tiful!

Maybe Jason was doing a little nesting of his own.......

Here's a pic of the finished product

AND......Not only does he paint, but he builds birdhouses

Creates new sidewalks ( still in progress)

Makes the best kabobs EVER...........

And most importantly, he is a great daddy and wonderful husband!

I feel like the luckiest girl alive!


Misti said...

That is such a sweet post- I am so glad for you two- what a wonderful life you have made with eachother!

Anonymous said...

WOW...looks like you have a great guy the pics!!
love you..Aunt Bev
"Roll Tide Roll"