Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Beginning

Ok, so my beautiful and best friend Misti has encouraged me to create a blog and my boss' wife has the greatest blog. Full of cute pics, music, etc. So, I decided to take the time to begin sharing our life with you all since we are so far away. A quick rundown of us (in case you forgot) is that we were married in December of 2006 and moved straight to the great state of Texas. We live about 30 minutes from the beach!!! Jason is the greatest dad to the girls and we are expecting our first baby together very soon. Finally, a son! I am due September 9th but hopefully will deliver a little earlier than that!

We are both ready to meet our little man! Jason has been working on the room and getting everything in order for his arrival. Lakelyn is excited and Timberly is glad she will be having a brother this time. Our family will soon be complete!


Misti said...

I can't wait to meet me little man; I know he will just love his Aunt Misti! Miss you and love you..

Beth said...

You look so happy! Your "little light" must be shining! :)

Anonymous said...

Well..that burger sure looks good. I'm trying again to post a comment. You two sure look happy and I can't wait to look everyday for more pics..

We love ya'll
Aunt Bev and Uncle Donnie
"Roll Tide Roll"