Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just Once.......

There are so many wonderful things about having a life growing inside of you. It is an unexplainable feeling. Just knowing that my son will soon be in my arms is almost enough to make me not 'blog all about it' tonight. However, I just gotta say this. No one EVER shares the ailments that come along with being pregnant. You never hear anyone say how miserable you will be at the end of your pregnancy. You never hear anyone say that the frustration of constant reflux or urination will one day make you cry. I am in no way, shape, form or fashion taking this miracle for granted, but what I am saying is that men have no idea what we go through during pregnancy. My husband has dealt very well with my hormonal outbursts and cries. I just wonder if he along with every other father would think differently if they just once had to carry a baby for 40 weeks.

Yes, I am whining a little.

Yes, I am ready to have Bear.

I just once would like to see a man gain 40 pounds, pee every time they cough, laugh, sneeze or cry, ride the hormonal rollercoaster and do it all with a smile after they vacuum, dust, iron and do the dishes. Not to mention the stretch marks and cellulite. Or the fact that just a simple shower will wear you out!
Don't get me wrong, I love feeling my son move inside of me. In fact, that is always what I miss the most after I deliver. I am so very thankful that Jason and I have created a son together. I do not, however, like the indigestion, sleepless nights, prego waddle, or the tinkle factory that I am now the president of........... I think it is so easy for a man to become a father. But just once I want him to experience all of the "greatness" that comes along with pregnancy............Can I get an AMEN?


Anonymous said...

Here's your AMEN to all of that..soooo true...but you know, I have experienced most of these same symptoms going through the big "M"!!! especially the tinkle when I sneeze..LOL, so, no, men have NO CLUE..that's why God made us Superwomen!!!!!

AMEN.....Aunt Bev

Beth said...

Amen, sister. I didn't gain 40, but I still feel your pain!