Yes, I am whining a little.
Yes, I am ready to have Bear.
I just once would like to see a man gain 40 pounds, pee every time they cough, laugh, sneeze or cry, ride the hormonal rollercoaster and do it all with a smile after they vacuum, dust, iron and do the dishes. Not to mention the stretch marks and cellulite. Or the fact that just a simple shower will wear you out!
Don't get me wrong, I love feeling my son move inside of me. In fact, that is always what I miss the most after I deliver. I am so very thankful that Jason and I have created a son together. I do not, however, like the indigestion, sleepless nights, prego waddle, or the tinkle factory that I am now the president of........... I think it is so easy for a man to become a father. But just once I want him to experience all of the "greatness" that comes along with pregnancy............Can I get an AMEN?
Here's your AMEN to all of that..soooo true...but you know, I have experienced most of these same symptoms going through the big "M"!!! especially the tinkle when I sneeze..LOL, so, no, men have NO CLUE..that's why God made us Superwomen!!!!!
AMEN.....Aunt Bev
Amen, sister. I didn't gain 40, but I still feel your pain!
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