Thursday, January 22, 2009

Driving Test????

We have lived here in TX since December 2006. Even though I had to move back to TN, blah, blah, blah I have still "lived" here. I still have a TN drivers license that does not list my married name. It is still a reminder of the past. I really need to rid myself of the last reminder of all of that mess.

So.......On my birthday, I looked at my license and I realized it expired that day. OK, no problem.
For some reason I was under the impression that you had until the end of the month to renew a drivers license. Like your car tag. I was under the wrong impression.

I have been telling Jason that I needed to go to the DMV. I called today to get the information. My last question was " Do I have until the end of the month to renew because my license expired on January 2, 2009?" All I heard was a giggle and I knew this was not going to be good.

Not only do I have to take the written test BUT I have to take the driving test too!!! I tried to explain to the lady that I was 30 years old and all I needed was to change to a TX license. I told her that I had not taken a test in YEARS! All she could say was "Well, you better start studying..." Great.

So, I am getting online to find the study book for the written test. I have Road Rage and I know there are no teachings on that in the book. That task is just learned as you drive around idiots. I have that part mastered. What I am not sure about is all of the rules of stopping, going, and whatever else you have to know when you are 15....... The driving test should be interesting, too. Jason said that at least I get to turn back time for a few days. I'll keep you updated on my studying and the test.

Hopefully I'll pass..........


Misti said...

Hehe... That is HILARIOUS...Sorry....

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOO, better get to studying!! LOL..this will be good.
Don't worry, just be careful.

Love, Aunt B